I decided on my way home from being out, that I would stop by Barnes and Noble and pick up Jodi Picoult's new book
House Rules since I would have the house to myself tonight. After picking up this lovely book, I went to the Family/Child reference section to check out the adoption books. After about five minutes of searching and finding NOTHING, I went to the kiosk and typed in "adoption." Just then about 7 pages came up on books about adoption that were located in the Family/Child reference section. I thought to myself, "HHMMM....I was just there and didn't see anything" so I went back over to try again. AGAIN....I still couldn't find any. Confused as heck, I walked back to the kiosk and completed the search again. This time I wrote the author's name down. After searching the family/child reference section for the THIRD time and still not finding a book on adoption, I began wondering if they "misplaced" them and I checked the next bookshelf. BINGO! I found
3 books on adoption. YES! You read that right, there were only 3!!! In addition to being shocked that there were only 3 reference books on adoption, I noticed that the books were actually located in the "Children with disabilities" section. Now, I am well aware that raising an adopted child comes with challenges, but is it right to mark adoption as a "disability?" It's bad enough that we (the parents) already feel "disabled" that we can't concieve on our own.
Oh wait....it gets better!!! So I grab my 3 books and make my to the checkout counter, where a lady (let's just say her name is Susie) is standing behind me in line. Little did I know that Susie was reading the title of one of my books
(20 Things Adoptive Parents Need to Succeed) as I was waiting to pay. Susie thought it would be a good idea to strike up a conversation with me. Here's how it went:
Susie: Oh, you're adopting
Me: (With a huge smile) YES!
Susie: Why? Having a child of your own is the best thing that could ever happen to you.
Cashier: "NEXT PLEASE"Me: (After picking my jaw up off the floor) Well...if I
could have one on my own lady, I would. GOD BLESS YOU!
REALLY???? Who does that???I walk up to the cashier (the
VERY happy cashier) and FIRMLY place my books down to pay, Now, here's our conversation:
Cashier: Hi sweetie! How are you today?
Me: OH JUST FABULOUS!!! I couldn't be better (sense my sarcasm?).
Cashier: (as SHE'S now looking at my purchases) Are you looking to adopt?
Me: (already disgusted and wanting to leave)Ya!
Cashier (in her cheery voice): Oh, what a wonderful thing! Do you want an infant? A child? A teenager? What?
Me: A newborn
Cashier: Oh you're so brave to be choosing a newborn and taking on the challenge when they're so young.
Me: Ya! Well....if you really want to know, I can't have children. My husband and I have tried and we can't. We then tried IVF and it failed!
Cashier: Oh, I'm so sorry...(I then pay for my books) Good luck with your kids!!!
As I walked out the door of what use to be my place of "serenity", I began wondering.... if I would've walked up to that counter with a book titled
20 Things Drug Abusers Need to Succeed, would "Susie" or the Cashier have asked if I am looking to become a druggie? NO! Or what about if I would've had
20 Things Women Need to Conceive? Would they have asked me if I'm having a hard time conceiving??? Man, some people just don't think.
Don't get me wrong, I have no problems talking openly about adoption. In fact, I LOVE LOVE LOVE talking about it. However, I do have a problem when a complete STRANGER asks me why I don't have children on my own.
LESSON LEARNED: Please pray for ignorant people. :-) Just Kidding! The real lesson I learned is to not let other people's comments "get to me" and that it takes a strong person to adopt! Boy, am I becoming stronger and stronger everyday! Who knows maybe by the end of this road, I'll be able to run a marathon! LOL! Again, we can't wait to be