Sorry that I've been MIA for the past month, things have been CRAZY with a capital "C"!!! What's been going on for the past month in the Johnson household you ask? I finished out my first school year at PCS and couldn't be happier (Still the best decision I've ever made)!!! My AMAZING students blessed me with a scrapbook that includes ALL of the years events and a "flower money tree"!!! You better believe that I placed all of that money in the adoption fund! :-) In addition to closing out the school year, I attended an engagement party, started boot camp (HOLY MOLY), celebrated birthdays, worked on the house and yard, worked on a few boats (extra money this summer for the adoption), attended an amazing book club with the best girls (I HIGHLY recommend the book Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers), took a road trip to TN to spend time with Steph and have nursed a VERY hurt eye! AHHH!!! Yes, my eye is in pain again and we're in the middle of scheduling an appointment with Bascom Palmer to see about a THIRD surgery! Please keep me in your prayers as the pain can be unbearable.It sometimes requires me to stay in bed ALL day! BOO!!!
On a happier note, God is good and Chris and I have been able to raise about $300.00 so far for the adoption! YAY!!! We only need about $14,700 more! :-) We can't really act on the next step of the adoption process until we have the funds, so in the meantime we're just enjoying being married and all of the little things this life has to offer! Like...Have you ever thanked God for a beautiful rainbow after a storm? How about a rare bird outside your kitchen window? A hot summer day? A dog licking you CONSTANTLY because she loves you? Or even the stack of bills that need to be paid? Okay, okay....maybe not the last one, about thanking God for having a job to "hopefully" pay the stack of bills? This process has truly made me appreciate EVERYTHING in life!!!
FYI-my future blogs (up until we start the adoption process)will be about ANYTHING! My feelings, my day, trips, activities in life, books I read, ANYTHING!!! A special thanks to ALL of you for continuing to support me on our journey to Adoption! :-)
Best book ever!



Until next time,