Whoever accepts a child in my name accepts me. Matthew 18:5
"I have CDO- It's like OCD, but the letters are in alphabetical order like they should be."
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
IT'S A....
Yesterday, November 15th, we went to our anatomy scan!!! BOY....was he active! It was the coolest thing to see him jumping around my uterus! :-) The tech asked if I could feel him moving around, and it was at that moment that I knew what I was suppose to be feeling when people ask if I feel the baby move. I always thought what I was feeling was gas! LOL!!! Now, I feel him move all the time. It feels like when your eye twitches! IT'S SO COOL!!!! We also got an added bonus. We will be able to meet our son (WOW...SON) a little earlier. He is measuring a week ahead!!! :-) My new due date is April 10th. Lastly, Chris started on our nautical themed nursery today. Did you really expect anything less than a nautical nursery? WE CAN'T WAIT TO MEET OUR ISLAND BOY!!!!
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