"I have CDO- It's like OCD, but the letters are in alphabetical order like they should be."

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Our decision!

OUR EXCITING NEWS: We have made the decision to adopt!!! How did we make this decision you ask? Well......As some of you know, Chris and I have struggled with infertility and failed IVF cycles. After completing a failed cycle in January, we prayed about our "next steps" on what was best for our family. :-) Well, God led us to adoption. Anyhow, I decided to create this blog so our family and friends can follow us on this amazing journey God has laid upon us!!!

We are in the beginning stages of this journey. Next week we have a phone "meeting" with an agency to discuss where we go from here. We're not sure if we're going to with an agency or an attorny at this point. Right now we're just interviewing places and have Faith that God will lead us to the one that's right for us!

Thank you for following us as we become "Blessed by Adoption"


  1. I'm excited to follow your journey! Babies are such blessings and you will be great parents. Keep your positive spirit because it is truly contagious:)

  2. So excited for you!! I will pray for you guys and I know this child will be blessed! Congratulations, parents-to-be!

  3. So happy for you both!!! Can't wait to follow the journey through your blog!!!
